Welcome To My House

Hello and welcome.

This blog is all about the fun I have at my house. One would think that a house is a boring place to blog about. One would be wrong.

A little back story,  I’ll catch you up with this I have written for a different website:

“I am playing a game with my housemate, one that she isn’t aware that we are playing. It’s a fun game that has so far lasted over 3 months while we have been living together.

Each morning after she has left for work, I tilt 2 or 3 of the paintings she has hanging in the lounge room. Each afternoon she will come home & straighten them up again.

What hasn’t gone unnoticed is that she has tried to mitigate the issue in a number of ways. I first noticed it when she started closing the windows & doors during the day before she left for work. Still the paintings were tilted. She eventually asked me one day if I had noticed the paintings being on a slant. I looked up from what I was doing & just said “The what? The paintings? No, sorry. I never notice things like that”.

The very next day the paintings were anchored with BluTak in each corner. Well played housemate, well played.

So I had to resort to alternative entertainment. My housemate also plays the guitar.

For some reason, the D-string is constantly out of tune. . .”

So that is where we are up to so far along our journey.  Feel free to follow along and hopefully, enjoy the fun.

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